Affluence and Family Households

Victor, NY is one of the most affluent and sought after suburbs of Rochester with average household incomes exceeding $145,000.

Over 70% of the households within a 10 minute drive time of Eastview are family households.

The Victor School District is ranked among the best in New York State by US News.

Location & Accessibility

Eastview is located within the 1.5 mile stretch between Exit 28 and Exit 29 off Interstate 490, making it easily accessible and visible from I-490. It is positioned right at the juncture of I-490 and the NY State Thruway I-90 at Exit 45, halfway between Buffalo and Syracuse, New York. There are four entrances/exits connecting to Route 96 with traffic lights.

Over 10 Million Visitors Annually

Demographics15 Minute Drive Time25 Minute Drive Time35 Minute Drive Time45 Minute Drive Time
Population* 167,983664,564866,7991,020,793
Households* 70,008253,709364,971426,831
Average HH Income$130,597$95,912$95,598$94,411
Daytime Employment*127,469474,540588,283651,924
*As of 2023

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A Unique Shopping Experience

Von Maur has created an upscale and comfortable shopping environment with the use of seating areas, working fireplaces, and antiques. During peak operating hours, a pianist plays background music on a grand piano located in the center of the store. The decor features gold trim railings, extravagant floral arrangements, replica antique signage, and spacious restrooms with separate lounge areas. Von Maur does not disappoint – they are known for their exceptional customer service, amenities, and high-end brands.

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